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  Mutual Fund Advisory:
Mutual Fund Advisory is the core competency of NJ India Invest. We believe in providing unbiased advisory service based on single most important principle of asset allocation.Our competent research team adds significant value to our advisory by providing regular product, schemes and market updates.

Technology Support:
Advanced technological solutions take our advisory to next level. With state of the art technological solutions, life becomes easier for our investors as well as business partners.
You not only get valuation reports of your clients’ investments which gives you complete picture about your clients current status as far as his investment is concerned. You can get your business MIS report, revenue report and other customized business report to keep track of your growing business. Our technological platform also allows you to do online transaction with minimum human intervention.

Increasing business requires both tangible as well as intangible resources. Developing soft skills in financial advisory industry is not optional but necessity as client relationship is at the core of business. At NJ we truly believe in this fact and try to provide all necessary training support.

Sales and Marketing Support:
Through our exclusive sales and marketing support you can increase your visibility in market place that can be useful in your branding exercise. Through NJ Print shop – marketing division of NJ you can have your own branded marketing material which can help you to acquire larger share of your client's wallet.

Customer Care:
Solving all your client investment related queries is just a phone call away as our customer care executives remain available to answer and solve your queries. NJ Customer Care offers ‘Single Service Point’ to its advisors to help them to solve their customer queries. Our centralized team of executives solves all your queries that allow you to concentrate on growing your business. NJ platform also provides you facility to submit your queries online at your partner desk platform and you can keep track of status of your query.

Realty Solutions:
Growing economy means growing need of housing and commercial space. Through NJ Realty platform you can find solutions to all your clients’ realty needs right from scouting a suitable property for your client till he/she gets possession of the property. The unique platform of NJ makes it possible for you to choose a right property for your client from multiple locations across India through our tie up with esteemed developers. This platform of NJ allows you to provide realty solutions to your clients across locations in India.

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